Lord Hopton’s Encampment

Lord Hopton’s Encampment, English Civil War, 15th & 16th June Living History Its 1643, Farnham Castle is held by Sir William Waller for Parliament, Sir Ralph Hopton’s Royalist Army are advancing across Hampshire and the two will soon meet in Farnham...

Village at War

May, 1944. Allied troops amass in the towns and villages of the South of England in preparation for the largest amphibious landing of troops the world has ever seen… Villager brace themselves as in the distance can be heard the rumbling of heavy trucks,...

Founders Day

The Old Kiln Museum first opened to the public in April 1973. Each year in April we celebrate Founders Day to mark the astonishing achievement of the Museum’s founders, Madge and Henry Jackson who lived on site in Old Kiln Cottage and who built the Museum, with...

Surrey Hills Spring Fair

The Surrey Hills Spring Fair is one of the most exciting and bustling events of the Museum year. This event is a truly sparkling opening of our season with something for everyone to enjoy. Join us and our partners The Surrey Hills Enterprises for a weekend celebrating...

Tractor Rally 2024

Our annual tractor rally signifies the start of the events season every year at the Rural Life Living Museum. One of our most popular events with families and specialist visitors alike, this weekend is always a good one! Each year we receive entries for around 80+...

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